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World Cup Rules for Homeworkers

Debbie Elrick • Nov 17, 2022

Watching the World Cup while working from home?

The World Cup 2022 is on from 20 November to 18 December and many of the matches will take place during working hours. With the increase in home and hybrid working over the past few years, more employees will be able to watch the World Cup whilst they work from home.  With this in mind there are some things you may wish to consider to avoid issues.

Review Policy

Managers should start by considering and agreeing the approach that the business will adopt. For example some organisations make special arrangements for home nation games. Once agreed policies like absence, alcohol and drugs in the workplace and remote working should be reviewed to ensure they remain relevant.

Communicate Expectations

Communicate expectations, policy and any temporary alterations to usual procedures or special arrangements for home nation games, at an early stage.  Engaging and discussing these issues with employees can help to avoid an increase in short term absence levels and also avoids a drop in productivity.

No Alcohol

Inform your employees that no alcohol should be consumed during working time (even if the football is on quietly in the background!) If an employee wishes to enjoy a match with a drink or two in hand, they should take the time off as annual leave (subject to the approval process of course!)

No Distractions

Matches should not interfere with work in any way.  This might be by way of background noise, or by the employee becoming distracted by the match and not working at all or working poorly.  Having a rule such as matches should be on mute or off completely during telephone calls and meetings could help avoid issues.


Some employees enjoy running sweepstakes during major sporting events.  These must comply with the Gambling act 2015 and rules must be clearly set out.

Further Support

Response HR work with many employers who have embraced flexible working.  We have found that when managed correctly it promotes mutual goodwill, ensuring productivity and happy teams.  Should you need any advice on employment matters, please reach out on 01698 643 921 or email and we will be happy to help.

Good luck home nations!


World Cup Rules for Homeworkers
by Debbie Elrick 17 Nov, 2022
The World Cup 2022 is on from 20 November to 18 December and many of the matches will take place during working hours. With the increase in home and hybrid working over the past few years, more employees will be able to watch the World Cup whilst they work from home. With this in mind there are some things you may wish to consider in order to avoid HR issues.
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